So, it's been a while since I've done anything with this blog. I tried keeping it up and running, but ended up getting bored and sidetracked by other things. Now that I've got a nice new platform to use, however, I've decided to try making a comeback - switching up a few things, of course.
So, first order of business. Since last I posted (If I recall, it was the middle of October in 2010), I've started working for Starbucks. Sure, it doesn't seem too glamourous, but it's a lot of fun and I love going in every day (And I mean every day. I'm sometimes there on my days off). To top it all off, I've made some pretty awesome friends, and every day is an adventure. As a matter of fact, I haven't had a *bad* day since I started working there. It's a great feeling, being able to love every minute of your job.
I've even heard people say that I've grown a lot since I began working there. It doesn't feel like I'm any different than I was before I began working there, but it feels awesome to know people see a different side of me than I see. I've been there for a little over two years now and, aside from the fairly low pay (counterbalanced by the health benefits, of which I have full health, dental and vision), it's a great environment.
That really covers the major points of my last couple years. Sounds silly, but I don't want to try and remember every detail of every day the last few years. So instead, I'll move on to the main topic of this post: my return. I haven't had much driver toward writing the last couple years, but since I bought an iPad a couple weeks ago, I've began to pick up the pieces of a few of my ideas. I've started consolidating them so I could do them at work on my shiny new device, and it's working great (I've added close to 2,000 words to one of the ideas I've been working on). With the purchase of my keyboard for this device (a Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover which is a great little keyboard already) I expect the word count on that idea to explode.
Since I've returned to writing, I thought to myself, why not return to blogging as well? The two would go hand in hand, I thought, and this will allow me to begin getting myself out there again. I bought Blogsy from the App Store for $4.99, and I'm going to use this to blog from now on - except when I get the wild idea to post from my computer!
One of the issues I ran into last time I tried this was the lack of topics to talk about. I figured I could throw out whatever I felt like throwing out, but after a while, this got boring and I lost interest in this entire medium. As such, from now on, I shall attempt one post a day detailing my day. I don't expect this to be of interest, but maybe my observations will be amusing to some of you. It might become more than once a day, but that'll probably be a rare occurrence. To those actually looking forward to these posts, expect each post to be later in the evening, as I doubt I'd be able to make a post about my day without having experienced said day.
At any rate, that's what has been up with me. It's nothing too exciting, but this kept me entertained for a few minutes, so we'll see how long I can keep up with blogging this time. Until next time!
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