Saturday, October 9, 2010

Phone Call

Phone Call

You are my baby
I can’t stay mad at you
I love you so much
Why won’t you pick up?
Life’ll ne’er be the same
Without you in it

I called you one day
And heard a dial tone
I got mad then, and
Said things I shouldn’t have

I love you so much
Can you forgive me?

I called you again
Wanting to say ‘sorry’
You didn’t pick up
I knew I messed up bad

God why won’t you call
I really need you

I gave it some time
Hoping you would call
And when you didn’t
I knew we were through

I know I screwed up
Can you forgive me?

The phone rang today
You were on the line
I thought I would die
But now it’s alright

You are my baby
I can’t stay mad at you
I love you so much
Why won’t you pick up?
Life’ll ne’er be the same
Without you in it

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