Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dream Come True

Dream Come True

When I first saw you
I didn't think much
I was too blinded
By the one I "loved"
To even see you

Some time went by
We became friends
And only then
Could I see past
My fatal flaw

I see you in my mind
And I somehow cannot
Find a single thing there
That I haven't been
Searching for since her

You're a dream come true
Why can't you see that
You're what I've wanted
You're what I've looked for
For my entire life

And despite all of this
Despite my telling you
You still deny its truth
As you complain about
Not having anyone

Every time I hear that said
I die a horrible death
My heartstrings are ripped to shreds
And you are ever blinded
That I've been there to help
To try and help you through it

Yet, more and more deeply
Do the feelings become
I've tried to deny them
But that route never works
Pain lies in denial

You're a dream come true
Why can't you see that
You're what I've wanted
You're what I've looked for
For my entire life

Open your eyes
And gaze upon
The supreme thought
The pinnacle
Of human thought

It cannot be seen
Can only be felt
Such is how I feel
If only you could
See past your mind's wall
And see the light past
The e'erlasting dark

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